Cloud Migration

Our Cloud Migration Service provides planning, support and technical implementation help for small business. We will help you to: Identify if you can safely move to the cloud. Reduce risk when moving to the cloud. Save time and money. Simplify your IT infrastructure. You can then decide if you want to us to help you plan your migration or if you would like us to help you with every aspect of the migration. What’s included?: Initial investigation to see if the cloud services will suit your business. Costing of the complete process.Planning of the complete process. Help planning any new business processes required due to the cloud move. Pre-migration: Check that moving to the cloud is exactly what you require. Discuss exactly what your expectation of the cloud is. Check all your systems to make sure they are cloud compatible . Check your connectivity to make sure it is capable of supporting the cloud systems. Check your software requirements.Plan the migration time scales. Plan the data transfer into the cloud. Migration: If required we will perform all the technical aspects of the migration. Perform the data extraction from current systems. Test the new system before going live.

Why the Cloud

Cloud technologies and services present substantial opportunities for organisations to reduce costs and improve services. Several good reasons to move to the cloud are: 1. Flexibility / Work anywhere Access your logon and data using virtually any device that has Internet access. 2. Disaster Recovery All your disaster recovery needs are massively reduced as the cloud has its own disaster recovery . 3. Automatic updates No more downtime for your updates, the cloud systems are all handled automatically 4. No Capital Expenditure Cost-effective, monthly payments afford ease of budgeting and eliminate large capital expenses 5. Lower Costs No power costs, less support staff, no need to carry server spares. All in all easier to budget!

Cloud Migration

Our Cloud Migration Service provides planning, support and technical implementation help for small business. We will help you to: Identify if you can safely move to the cloud. Reduce risk when moving to the cloud. Save time and money. Simplify your IT infrastructure. You can then decide if you want to us to help you plan your migration or if you would like us to help you with every aspect of the migration. What’s included?: Initial investigation to see if the cloud services will suit your business. Costing of the complete process.Planning of the complete process. Help planning any new business processes required due to the cloud move. Pre-migration: Check that moving to the cloud is exactly what you require. Discuss exactly what your expectation of the cloud is. Check all your systems to make sure they are cloud compatible . Check your connectivity to make sure it is capable of supporting the cloud systems. Check your software requirements.Plan the migration time scales. Plan the data transfer into the cloud. Migration: If required we will perform all the technical aspects of the migration. Perform the data extraction from current systems. Test the new system before going live.

Why the Cloud

Cloud technologies and services present substantial opportunities for organisations to reduce costs and improve services. Several good reasons to move to the cloud are: 1. Flexibility / Work anywhere Access your logon and data using virtually any device that has Internet access. 2. Disaster Recovery All your disaster recovery needs are massively reduced as the cloud has its own disaster recovery . 3. Automatic updates No more downtime for your updates, the cloud systems are all handled automatically 4. No Capital Expenditure Cost-effective, monthly payments afford ease of budgeting and eliminate large capital expenses 5. Lower Costs No power costs, less support staff, no need to carry server spares. All in all easier to budget!